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הוועדה האקדמית

הוועדה מלווה את הפעילות המחקרית של הגר באמצעות חברי סגל מהפקולטה למשפטים באוניברסיטת תל אביב.

פרופסור נטע זיו

Professor Neta Ziv is the director of The Cegla Clinical Law Programs at Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law. She is the academic supervisor of the Housing, Community and Law Clinic and teaches courses on "Legal Ethics and the Legal Profession", "Law and Social Change", Social Rights" and "Human Rights of People with Disabilities." Prof. Ziv received an LL.B. from the Hebrew University Law Faculty, an LL.M. from The American University in Washington, D.C., and her J.S.D. from Stanford Law School. Prof. Ziv practiced as a public interest lawyer for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, and served as a leading attorney in some of Israel’s major human rights cases litigated before the Israeli Supreme Court. She was among the founding members of the Israel Women’s Network Legal Center, the chair of Bizchut - the Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities", and currently serves as a board member of "Itach - Women Lawyers for Social Justice".

פרופסור ישי בלנק

Yishai Blank is an Associate Professor of Law and the Faculty’s Vice Dean. His areas of research and teaching include Local Government Law, Administrative Law, Legal Theory, Global Cities, and Urban Legal Policy. Prof. Blank obtained his LL.B. (magna cum laude) and an additional B.A in Philosophy (magna cum laude) from Tel-Aviv University. He clerked for the Chief Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, Aharon Barak. He continued his studies at Harvard Law School, where he was a Byse Fellowship recipient, and where he received his S.J.D. in June, 2002. Based on his Doctoral Dissertation, he received an award for excellence from the American Bar Association. He was a member of the Young Scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences Forum of the Israeli Academy of Science and Humanities, and received a prestigious fellowship from the Israeli Science Foundation (ISF). Some of his recent publications include: The Geography of Sexuality, 90 North Carolina Law Review (2012); The Re-enchantment of Law, 96 Cornell Law Review 633 (2011); Federalism, Subsidiarity and the Role of Local Governments in a Age of Global Multilevel Governance, 37 Fordham Urban Law Journal 510 (2009); Localism in the New Global Legal Order, 47 Harvard Journal of International Law 263 (2006); The City and the World, 44 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 875 (2006); and The Spheres of Citizenship, 8 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 585 (2007).

פרופסור חנוך דגן

Hanoch Dagan is the Stewart and Judy Colton Professor of Legal Theory and Innovation, former Dean of Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law and the founding director of the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies. He has previously served as the director of The Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law and as the Editor in Chief of Theoretical Inquiries in Law. Professor Dagan obtained his LL.M. and J.S.D. from Yale Law School after receiving his LL.B., summa cum laude, from Tel Aviv University. Among his many publications are over 60 articles in major law reviews and journals, such as Yale Law Journal, Columbia Law Review, New York University Law Review and more. Professor Dagan has also written six books – Unjust Enrichment: A Study of Private Law and Public Values (Cambridge University Press, 1997), The Law and Ethics of Restitution (Cambridge University Press, 2004), Property at a Crossroads (Ramot, 2005) (in Hebrew), Property: Values and Institutions (Oxford University Press, 2011), Properties of Property (with Gregory S. Alexander; Wolters Kluwer, 2012), and Reconstructing American Legal Realism & Rethinking Private Law Theory (Oxford University Press, 2013). Professor Dagan has been a visiting professor at Yale, Columbia, University of Michigan, Cornell and University of Toronto. He is also a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute and a member of the American Law Institute and of the International Academy of Comparative Law.

ד"ר הילה שמיר

Hila Shamir is an Associate Professor at Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law. She earned a S.J.D. and LL.M. from Harvard Law School and a LL.B. from Tel-Aviv University. Shamir teaches and researches in the fields of Employment, Labor, Immigration, and Welfare Law with a focus on issues of gender equality, informal work, and welfare state privatization. She is a recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship, of the EU Marie Curie Reintegration Grant, and of the Alon Scholarship for outstanding junior faculty. Prior to her graduate studies Shamir served as a law clerk to Justice E. Mazza of the Israeli Supreme Court. Her recent writings include: A Labor Paradigm for Human Trafficking, 60 UCLA LAW REVIEW 76 (2012); About Not Knowing: Thoughts on Schwab and Heise’s Splitting Logs: An Empirical Perspective on Employment Discrimination Settlements, 96 CORNELL LAW REVIEW 957 (2011); The State of Care: Rethinking the Distributive Effects of Familial Care Policies in Liberal Welfare States, 58 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 953 (2010); From the International to the Local in Feminist Legal Responses to Rape, Prostitution/Sex Work and Sex Trafficking: Four Studies in Contemporary Governance Feminism, 29 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW & GENDER 335 (2006) (with Janet Halley, Prabha Kotiswaran & Chantal Thomas).

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