Planning Affordable Housing in Israel
More than 200 professionals took part on a seminar focused on the regulatory tools available to plan affordable housing in Israel. A new handbook prepared by the IAHC was presented at the opening of the seminar. This handbook contains all relevant knowledge needed to properly implement the new regulatory tools in order to create mix tenure and mix income housing development.

To grow old in a renewing neighborhood
More then 200 professionals and activists in the field of Urban Regeneration participated in a symposium hosted and organized by the AHC that focused on the elder population in the context of urban-renewal
During the event, the AHC presented the research conducted in partnership and with the support of the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services in this topic. Based on the research, new recommendations were discussed with the participants in order to fill in the gaps between the regulatory, economic and social mechanisms used to advance urban renewal in Israel and the distinctive needs and characteristics of the elderly population.

Affordable Housing on Land designated for public usage (“Brown Land”)
The implementation of affordable housing policies in Israel is currently quite limited. This situation can be attributed to, among other things, the existing regulatory regime, which in many ways limits local authorities that would like to create affordable housing. In 2014, planning and construction regulations (public-goal authorization) were added to the existing law regarding affordable housing. The regulations authorize local authorities to advance plans for affordable housing on land designated for the fulfillment of public needs (brown land). We prepared a policy paper, presenting potential means for constructing affordable housing in brown land, addressing the opportunities and obstacles facing the implementation of such plans. On December 4th, we hosted a professional workshop, in cooperation with the Planning Authority of the Ministry of Finance, in which this route was discussed. 80 participants took part in the workshop.

22 September 2016
Social Housing in the Center
The IAHC hosted the congress 'Social Housing in the Center' at the TAU Faculty of Law. 200 people participated in the event including key scholars, social activists and private and public professionals in the field of law, real estate economics, public policy, urban planning, architecture, social and community work and other disciplines.
As part of the congress, we release the 'Sde Dov Social and Affordable Housing Plan'- The plan lays out a concrete plan to allocate social and affordable housing units as part of the Sde Dov Master Plan and serves as a case study for the proper allocation of social housing in high demand areas.
During the congress we presented a video based on an interview held in New York between Prof. Neta Ziv, the academic director of the IAHC and Jessica Yager, the Executive Director at the NYU Furman Center .

27 June 2016
Social and Affordable Housing as a tool to prevent gentrification-led displacement

27 May 2016
Sde Dov Tour
As part of the 'Open House Tel Aviv' events, one of many “OpenHouse” events that take place in cities around the world, we co-hosted with the Tel Aviv Branch of The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) an open tour in the area of Sde Dov, where a new neighborhood is going to be build, focusing on social and environmental aspects of the currently proposed plan.

3 March 2016
Workshop on the possible implementation of Social Impact Bonds to tackle some of most urgent housing issues in Israel

18 February 2016
Israel Planning Association Annual Conference
The AHC held three different presentations during the annual conference of the Israel Planning Association.

18 November 2015
The Akko Convention on Urbanism
The AHC organized a pannel during the convention that focused on the different legal mechanisms in place to create affordable housing from an international comparative perspective.

9 November 2015
The 2nd Social Congress

2 July 2015
Assesing Local Housing Needs
Together with the Urban Center of Bat Yam we organized three round-table discussions dealing with the question of housing needs assesment.

18 May 2015
Israel rental housing at a crossroads: between the outgoing and incoming government
Almost 200 people gathered at the TAU Faculty of Law to participate at the AHC's symposium focusing on long term rental housing in Israel. The event was presented in conjunction with the release of a policy paper: Long-Term Rental Housing in Israel: An Evaluation of Government Policies

19 February 2015
Israel Planning Association Annual Conference
Adr. Yoav Weinbeg presented the Israel Affordable Housing Policy Paper highlights.

1 February 2015
Affordable Housing Workshop for Young Planners
The workshop aims to expose young planners to key tools in order to create affordable housing within the existing regulatory framework.

29 December 2014
Building Housing For all in Sde Dov
The government is expected to authorize the construction of 16,000 housing units in Sde Dov, and this situation presents an opportunity to develop a concrete model of social housing - housing tailored to the different needs of the population, public housing for those currently unable to pay for adequate housing, affordable housing for young couples and students, and apartments at market prices for the economically-stronger segments of the population. All this - without separating between the different populations and without creating invisible walls between neighborhoods. The Affordable housing program supports the initiative to make Sde Dov a test-case for housing policy in Israel. On 29.12.2014, the Center took part in a seminar on development plans for Sde Dever. Participants in the seminar included MK Dov Hanin (Hadash), MK Orli Levy-Abuksis (Israel Beytenu) and MK Ilan Gilon (Meretz) - leaders of the Housing Caucus in the outgoing session of Knesset, MK Amir Peretz (Ha'Tnua), members of the Tel Aviv City Council, social activists and journalist Nadav Eyal.

27 November 2014
Conference at Tel Aviv University on Housing as a National Priority – Toward a General Evaluation of Affordable Housing in Israel
On 27 November 2014, a conference on housing as a national priority was held at the Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Law. A comprehensive policy paper on the advancement of affordable housing in Israel was presented at the conference. Members of Knesset, representatives of government ministries, representatives of local authorities, financial institutions, developers, academics and organizations active in this field took part in the conference. The conference included two panel discussions. The first panel addressed the question of “Who can afford affordable housing?: What the government has done in this area and what more needs to be done.” Panel participants: MK Boaz Toporovsky, Yesh Atid, member of the Knesset Finance Committee Ms. Maayan Nesher, Housing Coordinator in the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance Mr. Nethanel Reicher, senior head of the Division for Strategic Planning and Policy at the Ministry of Construction and Housing Ms. Hedva Finish, assistant head of the Unit for Strategic Planning, City of Tel Aviv-Yafo Adv. Gil Gan Mor, head of the Housing Department of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. The second panel addressed the question: “Can affordable housing be profitable?: What can and should be done to encourage the private sector to enter the field.” Panel participants: Mr. Uzi Levy, CEO of Apartment For Rent – The Governmental Company for Rental Housing, Inc. Ms. Clara Tzabergil, head of the construction and real estate sector, Bank Hapoalim Mr. Hanan Mor, chairman and founder of the Hanan Mor Real Estate Group Ms. Daniela Paz Erez, CEO of the Paz Economy and Engineering consulting firm Ms. Ella Alkalai, assistant head of business development, IBI Ms. Orna Angel, architect and expert in sustainability as a management strategy.

28 May 2014
Conference at the Knesset: “Innovative Models for Affordable Housing”
On 28 May, a conference was held at the Knesset, which was a collaboration between the Affordable Housing Center and the Knesset renters’ lobby. The conference hosted Marc Jahr, Steven J. Weiss and Esther Sandorf, experts in financing affordable housing and community development in the U.S. At the conference, in which member of Knesset, Israeli experts in the field, representatives of relevant government ministries and the general public took part; experts presented solutions for affordable housing that have been implemented in the U.S. that could also be implemented in Israel.
To download the presentation presented at the conference.

26 May 2014
Workshop on the topic: “Mechanisms for Financing Affordable Housing”
On 26 May, a workshop was held at Tel Aviv University, which was a collaboration of the Affordable Housing Center and the Israel Stock Exchange. The workshop was given by senior experts in the field from the U.S. The workshop concerned federal, state-level and local mechanisms for financing affordable housing, as they are currently used in the U.S., and an evaluation of how suitable these mechanisms are for use in Israel. The workshop was targeted at those who are active in the field and was attended by representatives of relevant government ministries, academics, private developers, representatives of the capital market and activists from relevant community organizations.
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